Friday, January 18, 2013

On Keeping My New Years Resolution (So Far...)

So, in order to keep my Resolution to be more creative and/or write more often this year I have been participating in Moorea Seal's 52 Lists.  The basic premise is that she provides a prompt every week and you end up making 52 lists over the course of the year. Brill, right? Well, the simpler the better for me. And being naturally inclined toward list making, I love it. It's an organized linear form of the chaos in my brain.

This weeks prompt is "List your greatest comforts," so I though I'd share a few of mine. And who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to make a few lists of your own!

  • My morning coffee.  If anyone follows me on Instagram, this comes as no surprise. Coffee is clearly my most photographed object.

  • Being surrounded by family.  
The more the better.

  • Long, meandering conversations with friends.

  • Ice cream eaten on the kitchen floor.

  • Baking.  Maybe I should just start answering the question, "What are you going to do with your English degree?" with, "Bake it into a cake."

Image from here

  • Lounging around campus on a sunny day with the first hints of Spring's aroma wafting in the air.  
It's great, you should try it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Few Things...

That I Learned Over Christmas Break

After having awakened less than two hours ago and having no obligations to school until tomorrow, I feel that the only way to disprove the nagging voice at the back of my mind convicting me of such slovenly behavior is to share some things learned over the last three weeks. Take that accusatory voices of self-judgement!

1. Fortune cookies really only give you two things: bad advice and an obligation.  I mean, how can you say no to eating a cookie that you've just destroyed in order to get at its ever disappointing contents?

2. People have a strange fascination with owning a money counter.
I have my hypotheses as to why this might be - class envy, thinking that having a money counter means that you have enough money that you would NEED such a device to aid you in your tabulation of wealth, just liking the rather loud whirring sound that it makes (which I have begun to find oddly soothing), etc. Regardless of reasoning, this was a common statement over my three week return to the banking world, "Man! I wanna get me one a those [money counters]!"

3. Nothing says Christmas like a pair of footie-pajamas.
Or filling said footie-pajamas with balloons and popping them all in the Christmas spirit of competition.

4. It is safe for humans to consume glitter.
I admit, I was skeptical at first, but a Google search yielding 5 sources affirming glitter's edibility was good enough for me. However, don't go adding glitter to everything you serve now, as tempting as it may be. It is not safe for children to eat glitter and can actually cause injury to their internal organs.

5. Muppet Monopoly is far and away more exciting than regular Monopoly.
As if this were a surprise to anyone.

6. Pizza is better when eaten on a pizza plate.
I knew this already but thought it was time to share my secret knowledge of maximum pizza enjoyment.

7. My New Years resolution (which I am just making right now on January 7th) is to be more creative and/or write more often for the simple pleasure of writing.
I'm pretty good at thinking lots of thoughts inside of my head and never writing them down or doing anything with them except store them within my mental archives which end up overflowing and bursting their floodgates and spilling out in all the wrong places. So maybe journaling more regularly - whatever that looks like -  will aid me in emptying my over-filled brain.