Friday, November 9, 2012

Contemplations on the Vortex, Which is College

On Wednesday afternoon, I bumped into an old friend in a coffee shop. Sounds pretty normal, right? Well, kind of. This particular friend is one who I had resigned to a very specific role as a character in the drama that was my Freshman year of college, thinking that chances were in favor of us never meeting again this side of heaven (what with him moving to Moldova, joining the Peace Corps, and having traveled half way across the country to come to OSU for graduate school anyway). Suddenly, bludgeoned by the fact that much too much has happened over the last year and a half to catch up in a casual oh-what-a-pleasant-surprise-bumping-into-you-has-been conversation - the coffee shop standard - I fell into quite the contemplative mood.
[Just your average illegal dorm room panini muffin baking]
[Some Freshmen celebrating a Birthday]
I mean, I was the same girl talking to the same guy as when we met a little over two years ago, but I am a completely different Caity Kullen than the one I was then. Somehow, over the a two year period, I ended up being sucked into the Vortex that is University Time. Majors, relationship statuses, and dwelling places have changed a time or two. And I am far wiser and far stupider all at the same time. I have grown out of the How I Met Your Mother watching, the kitchen two-stepping lessons, the afternoon pecan pie baking, the car pranking, the up-all-night-ing, the every Wednesday game nights,  the mass consumption of Marshmallow Mateys (probably to the benefit of my figure as well as my overall health), and the terrifying feeling of facing my first real life failures. 


Growing up happens through all the fun and adventures you can dream up as a College Freshman. Growing and changing in all of it. I barely recognize that girl trudging up the 11 flights of stairs to her Drummond dorm room, the one sitting on her bed, eating a ham sandwich from 20 Something that she "forgot" she didn't like, the one trying so hard. But I still know her. And from a momentary pause in the Vortex, I think she'll be alright.


On a much less disgustingly nostalgic note, here's a tip to spice up your brownie baking life from my lovely roommate and friend, THE Miss Laura Rusco:

After making your favorite brownie recipe from scratch (or a box, let's be realistic here), lay peppermint patties atop your chocolatey bliss and let them get all melty and stuff. In order to speed up the process, you can put the brownies back in the still-warm oven for a few minutes.
I promise, your brownies will be a huge hit. At least they were at our girls' night last night!


  1. I look back at pictures from my freshman year and am always hit with a wave of, "Oh my goodness how hard I tried to be good at college."

    By the end its just a whirlwind. And then there's the friends and memories and growing up that really sticks.

  2. I really like the way you did your hair in the picture you have of yourself as a Junior. :) Love reading your posts
